Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We Feed Her I Swear

Yesterday Reese and I went grocery shopping. To keep Reese entertained while I loaded groceries in the car, I handed her the shopping list. She slurped on her binky and crumpled the grocery list quite contently. I put her in the car and stupidly did not take the grocery list away.

On the ride home she was the quietest she has ever been in the car – not a peep. We pulled up to the house and I opened her door to find a baby covered in blue ink. There was nothing but a small, soggy square of grocery list left. I panicked and started fishing her mouth for the rest. Too late. All I found was a blue tongue. Reese ate the grocery list. I am a terrible mom.

P.S. We aren’t dead. We just don’t have internet. On lucky days like today we can steal our neighbors wireless connection, but they usually kick us off after a few minutes. Hopefully they won’t notice until after I get this post up…


Brian and Amy said...

Yea!! You did it. It's nice to see a new posting from you. The paper is just good fiber for her. How is being a full time mother? I'll look for another posting again.

The Prestons said...

Yea! I always check just in case. I can't believe I still haven't met Reese. Hopefully we can all get together soon!


Hillary said...

HA HA HA!! This same thing happened to me the other day with Ben!! I was at Wal-Mart, he was getting impatient, gave him the list to entertain him for a minute, got distracted shopping, Ben started making a weird noise, and he had half the grocery list stuck to the roof of his mouth!! Kids are hilarious!

You aren't a bad mom, we just do what we can to keep the kiddo happy for two seconds!! It was good seeing you and Reese this summer... hopefully we will see you again at Christmas!!

Love, Hillary